• 31 августа 2018, пятница
  • Палермо

Art-weekend / Manifesta, The European Biennial of Contemporary Art

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2157 дней назад
с 12:00 31 августа до 19:00 2 сентября 2018

Manifesta is one of the biggest and most significant contemporary art exhibitions in Europe, along with Documenta and Venice Biennale. What sets it apart from the latter is the higher level of intelligence in its format with focus on research and educational projects. Not only does it display recent achievements – it sets the vector. It is the only biennale that changes its venue every two years. In 2014, Manifesta took place in Saint-Petersburg.


Planetary Garden. Cultivating coexistence.

The starting point is a book published in 1997 by a French botanist Gilles Clement, describing our world as a “planetary garden” with humanity being its gardener responsible for its maintenance.

The main project consists of four sections: “The garden of flows“ in Orto Botanico will be researching the toxicity, plant life and culture of gardening in relation to transnational communities; “Beyond the control center” will be studying the force of the current global flows; “The city takes the stage” will be based on the Palermo center and outskirts opportunities for development of unconsummated plans; a social events program will be held at the Garibaldi theatre.

1,350 EUR/pp

Services included:

  • Introductory lecture from the Everal experts;
  • Cultural programme and escort by the Everal experts at all the tour’s locations;
  • Entrance tickets to biennale, exhibitions, museums and opera.


August 31 – September 2 inclusive.


Reserve an art tour
Lucy Vinograd (Shatkovskaya)
+ 7 926 554 00 66 e-mail: lucy@everal.co.uk


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